Portacabins in Nigeria

Portacabins in Nigeria

Many investors in Nigeria have not yet understood the relevance of portacabins when it comes to engineering management and cost cutting. Revlyte limited intends to enlighten business managers on this vital subject as a contribution to a more effective economic growth in Nigeria and Africa.

When a contract is signed and mobilization is next, one very challenging decision to make is, ‘‘where do we operate from?’’ ‘‘How do we enter the site and where do our staff use as office?’’For those who have very little awareness on portacabins, they dabble into long lease of office space from where they begin to approach the project. It is usually very expensive and wasteful because negotiations are made out of desperation. The point is, why waste resources leasing a house when you can easily procure or lease portacabins until you construct your own facility with solid blocks and concrete.

Sometimes, investors make the mistakes of building block work on their facility when they are not sure of what engineering construction may require in the future. Recently Revlyte did an elaborate work for an oil and gas company on their new site. After the entire temporal portacabins office setup, based on the need to scrub the inlet hydrocarbon gas for the plant, the quality control consultants insisted on the need for the construction of inlet scrubbers. This became a major challenge.

However, after all engineering analysis, the best location for the scrubbers coincided with the same location where the portacabins were installed. What became of the final solution? The portacabins were simply relocated to a better alternative; hence saving cost, time, losses and man hours.

In Nigeria, the needs for portacabins are vast from office and residential accommodation for projects to ATM kiosk. With dredged sites and many industrial estates established all over, from Lekki free zone to Calabar investment opportunity areas, something appears to be a common limitation. Most properties allotted for industrial usage have unstable terrains. Therefore, as a business manager, why invest so much in foundations construction at the teething stages of your initiative? Simply reduce the stress and such risk and redirect the funds into more profitable ventures; Use portacabins.

Revlyte portacabins are available for your patronage. We supply nationwide and design to your adequate need with all safety standards observed. Visit www.revlyteng.com  and also check out all our pictures of externals and interiors of our portacabins on Face book at Revlyte Portacabins.

Advantages of portacabins

  1. Portacabins are the fastest way to start off an office (A complete office accommodation can be set up in one day).
  2. Proximity to point of usage is easily determined.
  3. Office space modification is easy.
  4. Community challenges, equipment hire and weather challenges during solid block civil construction work is avoided.
  5. Portacabins are easily relocated to new contract site.
  6. They are quick to maintain.
  7. Portacabins are always useful.
  8. Relative to time, they are cheaper.
  9. Instead of demolition, they are easily repositioned.
  10. Portacabins are easily resold to recover initial cost on investment.


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