The local content policy of Nigeria to empower her indigenous company is a welcome initiative. This will created a platform for new companies in Nigeria to grow and also facilitate a better synergy between the indigenous companies and foreign multinational.
In recent past, some companies have had projects and investment opportunities in Nigeria and one of the challenges they have had bothers on how to fit in and invite trusted indigenous companies in Nigeria to participate in her local content. While some have learnt from painful experience, other have made huge losses by falling victims to fraud stars.
However, to advice on where to start from in assigning this local content, I like to capture the possible areas of challenge to investors and project owners.
- Documentation: How to get the relevant documents, work permits, certifications and MOUs with relevant community reps.
- Accommodation: When these foreigners come, with all the security challenges, how do they handle their accommodation?
- Community challenges.
- The Nigeria factor.
- Fraud stars and criminal.
- Site preparation, accommodation and logistics.
These are challenges that can ruin or make your investment work. For those who have being burnt by the above challenges, they have concluded that the Nigeria business terrain is too complex to handle. However, I like to state here that, if you learn to approach your projects with wisdom and discretion, you will not fall victim to the above factors.
This is the reason why I like to introduce REVLYTE LIMITED.
We are fully registered with the corporate affairs of Nigeria and with an up to date approval and certification in the oil and gas industry. The MD of the company is a man of integrity known in Port Harcourt Nigeria.
Revlyte is a growing indigenous company known for integrity and target delivery. Revlyte has taken upon herself to provide services that will take such challenges at the beginning of every project off the shoulders of investors and project owners.
Why not take advantage to verify and confirm the authenticity of this company know for integrity and good relationship with her clients and involve her in your local content percentage to handle your site preparation and site accommodation.
Revlyte limited will provide the following services:
- Site preparation.
- Site accommodation by fabricating your Portacabins and converted containers to your design specifications and choices.
- Project offices and workers camps.
- Furnishing of offices and workers rooms.
- Site toilets and fumigation.
- Manpower supplies.
- Vehicles and equipment leasing.
- Construction materials supply.
- Drainage.
- Adverts and trainings.
Visit or Revlyte Portacabins on facebook and check albums.
Call +2348033132758
Please could you assist me with a quote for a 40 foot container needed for a classroom
will require ten in the pilot programme and will you accomodate us with a larger order once the PROOF ON CONCEPT has worked.
Will send send specification on my requirement on the container
South Africa
27 (0)828986309