The local content policy of Nigeria to empower her indigenous company is a welcome initiative. This will created a platform for new companies in Nigeria to grow and also facilitate a better synergy between the indigenous companies and foreign multinational. In recent past, some companies have had projects and investment […]
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Nigeria is fast developing as more of her natural resources are being discovered at a very fast rate. The opening of her communication industry gave room to many multinationals in the communication sector. These companies have come in and found Nigeria a gold mine. The oil and gas industry has […]
Most people who have contracts in Niger Delta are so afraid because of all the security threats in the region. This is the reason why Revlyte limited has taken up the challenge to take such burdens off your shoulders and create a platform for you to start your projects with […]
Niger Delta Flood and Portacabin Advantage. Niger Delta flood is far more devastating than we think or see on TV. People displaced from their homes, offices and vital document destroyed. How do you feel seeing flood rise into your field location office and accommodation and helplessly you watch all your […]